Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Number 97: The Light Goes On!

Well, here I experienced an epiphany of sorts. I came across a video put out by an amazing still life artist named Mark Carder. His main points were that you need to 'learn to see', and to use a limited palette. It was at this point that I was introduced to painting what you see and mixing any color you need from the primaries plus white and brown. Although I didn't follow his example to the letter, I learned a heck of a lot by just gleaning the jist of his method. I built a shadow box, set up a still life, and started pushing some paint around...

It's amazing exactly how LITTLE paint it took to push around to get the effect that I was looking for with this one!
And, the finished product. I'm feeling as if I've moved forward by leaps and bounds compared to what I've been doing...

Light bulb - 5x7 Oil on Canvas Panel

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