Sunday, August 7, 2011

Number 45 - Morning

Morning, 7x5, Oil on Canvas Board

This little gem is a 'happy little accident' that resulted from a lot of overnight frustrations. It started out as something else, scraped away, then something else again, scraped away. I began to notice that when I scraped away the paint from the canvas there were a lot of different hints of color that seemed to be playing with each other and calling me to join them. Perhaps that was just a lack of sleep getting in my head, but it caused me to deviate from my norm and go WAY outside my comfort zone.

I scraped in the land mass with the palette knife I use to mix with. Then, as I was playing around I decided to add some foreground water by mirroring the land mass and making the darks lighter and putting in the water's edges. I didn't know what to do with the sky until I stepped outside and saw the predawn light. I knew I had to add it!

I'll be doing a lot more with my palette knives as they create a very free feeling, impressionistic effect that I've been looking for. And they're easier to clean!!!

Thanks for taking the time to look!

Enjoy the Morning!

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