Thursday, July 17, 2014

Plus 8 - Orange & Yellow

Orange & Yellow, 9x12, Oil on Gessoed Hardboard
Painted 6/10/14

This is a master study of a painter that I've come to admire for the simplicity of his paintings, Childe Hassam. The things that drew me to study this painting are the simplicity of the composition and the colors and how they balance and compliment each other so much with so little. It also didn't hurt that the subjects are my all-time favorites, boats and water! It's also a vignette, which I feel adds to the spontaneous feeling with which it could have been painted by Mr. Hassam.
I painted Orange & Yellow with pallet knives only, while I believe Woodboats and Dogana is a watercolor.

Here's a pic of his painting. As you can see, I'm definitely no forger, LOL!!!

Woodboats and Dogana, Childe Hassam

-- SMK

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