Sunday, July 17, 2011

Number 53: The Homestead

The Homestead, 6x8, Oil on Gessoed Hardboard

I got the hankerin', that's Midwest lingo for 'I really wanted', to go out and paint something en plein air. OK. Bugs, not a problem. Wind, not a problem. But the HEAT!!! And the SUN!!! I don't think that the 'Red Badge of Courage' is about blood. It's about the lobster red color of my pasty, white Irish skin when it's exposed to the sun. Cover up, you say? In THIS heat?

Anyway, here's a farm that I've been admiring and have thought about painting for a while. There's just something about white farm buildings from across a corn field that is just inspiring and attention-getting.

I really like how the corn turned out in this one. The farm didn't turn out so bad either!


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